Six men who each are over 60 years old are riding from Astoria Oregon to Portsmouth New Hampshire to raise money for the Wounded Warriors Project. Our adventure will begin in June of 2013, arriving 60 days later in Portsmouth New Hampshire. Follow us on this blog! We hope you will also support us in raising money for the Wounded Warriors Project by clicking on our donation page. All donations go directly to the Wounded Warriors Project and none of it is used for financing our adventure.
6over60 Team Pic
6 Over 60 Team, from left to right, Darryl, Dale, Ed, Pat, Tom, Jim, Dave
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Day 9 Arrive at Meridian and Tour VA hospital set up by Jeff Middlemas Veteran Affairs Police. Pat met Jeff through Jeff, a avid cyclist, Air Force veteran, and works at the VA. The Boise VA is an historical site built in 1862, with many of the original buildings remaining. Jeff arranged the tour, arranged for a fishing trip for Dave, On our day off met us at our site with 6+ friends and brought food, barb-b-qed for us, entertained us. For today, he arranged for us to participate in Boise annual All Veteran Welcome Home event. Finally he rode with us and led us out of town. We owe a lot to Jeff. A lot more to follow about our stay in Boise.
From left, Jeff Middlemas and co worker Scott
Mark Davidson, of Operation HomeFront, 3rd from left. Operation Homefront is in association with wounded warrior project, and helps veterans with financial needs.
Monty, volunteer at Boise VA, gave us a tour. Monty (navigator submarine service) is a wealth of knowledge on the history of Boise VA, which dated back to 1862 and is an historical site.
Jeff (standing in the foreground) brings his friends to our site and feeds us and entertains us.
Thanks to all of Jeff's friends that showed up to visit with us.
Leaving the KOA at Meridian ID on our way to Boise VA All Veterans Home Coming Annual event, and then on to Mountain View ID.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Day 9 Fruitland ID to Meridian ID (near Boise) 60 miles 2000' climbing
Even though this was the easiest route so far, we were all very tired when we arrived at the Meridian KOA RV Park. Temperature hit 100+ today. Meridian KAO generously provided us a great spot for 2 nights free of charge. Tom, Pat, Ed, Dave set up tents on the lawn at the site. Not having learned our lesson at a previous RV park, we forgot to ask manager to shut off sprinkler system. 11 PM sprinklers go off and it is a mad dash to drag tents etc out into street!
Leaving Fruitland we got lost for 7 miles before we met Darby, out for a ride while on summer break ( she is assistant principal at Ontario OR HS) who road with us and got us back on track.
We cycled through Idaho farmland, one farm had a herd of buffalo as an added attraction
Jeff Middlemas, who works at the VA hospital in Boise, visited us. He is a cyclist and works par time at Ken's Bicycle Warehouse arranged for the store to check over all our bicycles.
Jeff is also going to have a van pick us up at 12:30, take us to the VA hospital where we will visit with vets. He has also arranged with some vet friends to take Dave fishing.
When we leave on Saturday, we are going to participate in a Boise Veterans appreciation event.
Pictures will follow. Also, remember to view our photo albums on the photo tab.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Day 8 Baker OR to Fruitland ID 83 miles 2100 ' climbing
ONE STATE DOWN! To date 535 total miles, 25,488 total feet of climbing
From left to right Pat, Jim, Tom, Dale. We crossed the Snake River crossing into Payette Idaho
To ALL, please give us some feedback and your comments. At the bottom of each post you can click on "no comments" and a pop up will appear which will allow to add your comments to post, similar to facebook
Pat gets two flats today, ed had slit tire yesterday
Cornfields to Fruitland. As we approached Idaho, we passed fields of corn, onion, radishes, alfalfa, oats.
Once at Neat Retreat RV Park, Derrick and Christy Vandeberg, owners of Neat Retreat, Hosted us with Barb - b- q hambergers, potato salad, salad, fruit. Ellen, Derrick's mother, made the potato salad, cookies and German chocolate cake for desert.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Tomorrow is 84 Miles to our first stop in Idaho!
Today I uploaded to new albums, which can be accessed from Photo Tab. Also, when time allows, I will go back and add to existing posts with more information.
Also anyone can leave us comments on any of our posts by clicking "no comments" at bottom of the post. This brings up a window for you to enter your comments, also enter your name in your comments.
The 6 over 60 team.
Today I uploaded to new albums, which can be accessed from Photo Tab. Also, when time allows, I will go back and add to existing posts with more information.
Also anyone can leave us comments on any of our posts by clicking "no comments" at bottom of the post. This brings up a window for you to enter your comments, also enter your name in your comments.
The 6 over 60 team.
Day 7 Prairie City Oregon to Baker Oregon 66 miles 6000 feet of climbing beautiful national forests pictures to follow
Day 7 66 miles 5300 ' climbing Prairie City to Baker Or through two National Forests
Beautiful scenery Strawberry mt, Malhuer national park. Another wet cold day but majestic view made up for weather.
Tom and Ed, with Strawberry Mt hidden by clouds.
Ed and Jim heading for Baker OR
Huckle Berry Cafe break at top of climb . Was closed but owner saw us out front and opened it for us
Owner's Grand children having breakfast in the bar, watching TV. Jim made quick friends with them
Huckleberry Cafe with owner in center of pic, will get her name and update this post
Dave met larry at local store, he helped Dave get to RV park, then came by later to sing and play guitar for us. Formerly homeless for 4 years, found the Lord and is now got his life together.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Day 5 Dayville Or, 84 miles 5000 ' of climbing
We stayed at Fish House RV Park, since tents are not allowed we stayed in this house, built in
1916. Dave cooked us the trout he caught yesterday, great dinner.
Check uploaded albums for more pictures of the house
Day 4 Prineville 39 miles 1600 ' of climbing
We have visitors! Ron Tyree, and motorcycle buddies Ralph and Rex, visit us again in Prineville.
Kathy Hurley (Ed's sister in law from Seattle WA) and her friend Jackie from Portland pay a visit bringing home made cookies.
Martha Sargent (friend of Ed and college friend to Ed's wife) visits from Bend OR, and joins us for dinner at Toni's Bar-b-Q. Toni learned of our project and in appreciation provided us all dinner for free! Best ribs any of us ever had!
Tom Vawters, long time friend of Tom and his wife, pastor who married them, also and author, living in Scottsdale AZ, and Bend OR. He arranged dinner at Toni's.
I will post more on this day later.
Toni's Bar-b-Q
group picture with Toni front center
Day 3 Welches to Lake Simtustus near Madras 79 miles 5084 ft climbing
Left Mt Hood RV and immediately begin 15 mile climb up to Mt Hood Summit. Again we hit moderate amount of rain. The summit is wet and cold, and glad to get on the down hill. Soon rain stops and temperatures warm up. It isn't long before the landscape changes from dense mount pine forest to much drier scenery. The RV park at the lake is 5 miles off Hwy 26, with steep climbs of up to 15%.
Simtustus RV park provides us a separate RV trailer for our use, with full amenities and sleeping for 4.
The owner and staff as well as many of the guests took good care of us. One of the guests (a veteran) took Dave out in his boat fishing. Dave caught 8 fish, which we had for dinner when we arrived in Dayville day 5.
Near Simtustus Lake
Dave ready to go fishing
Pat and Tom on the road
Near the summit of Mt hood
Lake Simtustus
Jim's friend Ron Tyree (sponsor of ours) and his friends Ralph and Rex on their Harleys and Victory
visit us.
Since our RV was at the entrance, several vets staying at the park came over to visit.
See many more pictures under our PHOTO tab, album 20130624 Uploads
See many more pictures under our PHOTO tab, album 20130624 Uploads
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Day 2 From St Helens to Welches, at the base of Mt Hood
77 Miles and 1667 feet of climbing.
Our second day was very busy starting with a ride to Vancouver WA VA hospital. After spending 2:30 min at the VA hospital (for me this visit makes the whole adventure worthwhile) we head toward Portland, passing East of Portland, where we met Pat's son and two friends Emily and Liza who road with us for a good portion of our ride taking us on some great bike paths.
On our way to Vancouver WA we crossed several bridges, this one was St John Bridge over the Willamette River.
On our way to Vancouver WA we crossed several bridges, this one was St John Bridge over the Willamette River.
We were not allowed to take pictures at the VA, but our host took pictures and will send them to me. I will post them when I receive them. At the VA, we were introduced to a group of live-in vets. Tom presented to the group a talk about what we are doing. Jim also discussed his experience in Vietnam. Then we each individually personally introduced our selves to each vet who would related fascinating stories to us. There were also two vets (Hoppi and Ratman dressed in leathers) from Combat Veterans International, a motor cycle group who support the VA and wounded worriors. As we reached out to each vet, they would break out into a big smile, tell us how they appreciated what we were doing, then would related their own stories.
There we vets from WWII, through some of the latest conflicts. I met Ozzie, who is a Tuskege Airman. Some of you may be familiar with the all black fighter squadron, in WWII from the movie.
More stories and pictures to come about this visit.
Dale with grant, who recently had a stroke. He just turned 60 and is planning to run a marathon this year.
Group picture outside VA Hospital
After leaving VA, we met with Pat's son who lives in the Portland area. Liza brought some home made cookies, and we took a little break along the trail.
From left to right front, Liza, Emily, Paul. From left to right back Tom, Ed, Dale, Pat, Jim
Once we reached St Helens, friends of Dale, Bob, Chief of Police in Battleground WA, and his wife took us to dinner. Bob and his wife recently moved to this area from the Southern CA.
Day 1 Astoria to St Helens
Thanks to the Astoria Police Dept, who met us in Astoria and assisted us in getting started. We finally started to roll out of Astoria around 10:30 on our way to st Helens, 69 miles, 3100 feet of climbing. It took us awhile to get organized and ready. Being anxious about starting, it was a bit comical to watch us futzing around trying to get dressed and bikes set up.
June 18th Portland Night Before Departure from Astoria
June 18th, Dale's Niece Gayle and her husband Steve Meyers hosted us with a great barb-b-q of pulled pork
Gayle and Steve with their new 6 over 60 T shirts
To All those following us on this blog, thank you for your patience, as we have not had internet access for several days, as well as no phone service. We are also working out the logistics of our daily routine, getting up at 5AM, breaking down our camp sites, leaving on the bikes at 7 or 8, and arriving at our next destination between 4 and 6 PM, setting, getting dinner etc. Please be patient, we will catch you up. Also, I am uploading pictures to new albums under our Photo tab by upload date. Pictures are uploaded then later I will add them to posts.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
Donation Challenge
I received a phone call from Bonnie Campbell, who read our article in the Orange County Register Irvine World News, and wishes to donate $1000.
She offers to donate $1000 if others will match her. So we will be looking for $1000 donations!
Anyone up for the challenge?
Also consider the Helmet Man for all motor sports, biking, snowboarding etc. helmet needs!
Also consider the Helmet Man for all motor sports, biking, snowboarding etc. helmet needs!
Helmet Man (see our sponsor tab) will donate $5.00 for EVERY bicycle helmet sold during the ride.
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